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Kevin X. Smith

Kevin is on a mission to explain complex financial concepts in simple demonstrations and deliver practical advice that works for people in their daily lives.

He uses a combination of economics and psychology to help clients understand and deal with the trade-offs of important financial decisions. You won’t leave the conversation with a secret investment strategy sure to provide you with instant fortunes, but you will likely leave with a concrete understanding of how financial markets work and how to make decisions about which combination of investments is appropriate for you. Investing can be overwhelming, but after talking to Kevin you will feel relieved that there is a way to sift through the constant barrage of information and noise using a rational approach to investing.

Kevin believes that making investments with the help of a financial advisor should be more of a collaboration than a proposal. As one of his favorite philosophers, Thomas Sowell, famously said, “There are no solutions, only trade-offs.” When it comes to investing and many other decisions in life, there is no right answer. Instead, there is a range of possible decisions, each having its own range of possible outcomes. Finding the right fit takes a combination of education, effective communication and a commitment to intellectual honesty.

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